Can we Reconcile with a Narcissist? (e.g., David Eells)

Since July of 2011, David Eells has been in a Matthew 18:17 status– he refused to hear the local Church (and 5 elders) regarding his sin/actions and has been admonished multiple times over the years, yet he refuses to confess/repent (Titus 3:10-11).

One of the former elders of, Bill Rowe, speaks of this July, 2011 event in great detail and analysis– you can access his testimony at <this link (PDF)>. Again, David Eells is the source of faction, and in our opinion, he is toxic and should be refused until he confesses/repents per Titus 3:10-11.

See the ‘David Eells – EXPOSED :0)‘ page for more detail. The password for this protected page is given only for a need-to-know basis. Contact for help if you want to know the truth– be sure to specify who you are, and why you want access to the protected page.

In the video below (<YouTube Link>), Shaneen discusses reconciliation with a Narc and shares parallels out of the Bible, e.g., Jacob & Laban.

Narcissists *ARE* the Sources of FACTION!

Our ex narc-‘elder’ is the one common denominator in all of the factious/divisive events in his religious CULT. Narcissists are known as DIVISIVE, they have an attitude of ME FIRST… ABOVE YOU! Watch the following video from Dr. Carter where he gets inside the mind of a dominant narcissist.

Click >>>here<<< for a direct link to the YouTube video.