Why You Can’t Take A Narcissist At Face Value, :o)

As the saying goes, if it seems too good to be true then it probably is… Our religious ex narc-elder would swoon people in with his perceived gentleness, righteousness and holiness, but would then turn into the most vicious and conniving snake to those who dare call him out on his error(s) and sin. As a way to cover his tracks and re-direct away from himself, he would dig-up peoples’ past sins and private matters before everyone in the congregation in an attempt to smear and weaken their witness of his evil. This slander, libel and defamation is an abomination to God as it causes discord amongst the brethren, or as this narc-elder would put it… F A C T I O N. When someone starts slandering, libeling and defaming another to your ears, you are in the right to share this wickedness to the person being slandered. There’s ALWAYS two sides to a story.

Remember that a narcissist always wears a mask, some more effective than others… BEWARE!

Healthy relationships are known for authenticity, what you see is the real deal. But because narcissists are self deluded and cannot be forthright about their intentions, you’ll need to factor in their habit of luring you into their inauthentic ways of being. With narcissists, there is inevitably more going on subconsciously than what they portray on the surface.