
Let Us Reason Together…

[Should You obey a so-called ‘elder’ when he is disqualified? or in Spiritual Adultery?  The Answer is simple:  NO!]

[A great series by Ralph Brickley of]

[Are you in a Cult?  If your fellowship fulfill more than half of these, you are!!!]

[Coping with Cults (Spiritual Abuse – SEPARATION]

[Coping with Cults (Spiritual Abuse – JUDGMENTALISM]

[Coping with Cults (Spiritual Abuse – JUDGMENTALISM]

[Been Separated From Someone Through Fear/Intimidation?]

[Have You Deferred Healing?]

[Having a Hard Time Putting Your Finger On What’s Wrong?]

[Are we lying to ourselves?]

[How do we identify a wolf in sheep’s clothing?]


[What is the Nature of Witchcraft?]

[What is the True Nature of Pathological Narcissism?]