They Claim They Are Fearless! :o)

Narcissism is a fear-based pattern of life, yet most narcissists will deny how they are steeped in it. Often they will proclaim statements like, ‘Hey, Sis, look at me I have no fear’ of this or that,… while they project their toxic psychopathy onto their victims. They are LIARS, CHEATS, and THIEVES, and most importantly they are INSECURE. They have to put on a fake show for others because deep down inside, they are in fear of people seeing their true nature. I have dealt with these narcs (overt and covert) and by the grace of God, sniffed out their charade(s) early-on. Check out the >>video<< below by Dr. Carter regarding narcs who claim they have no fear.

Dr. Les Carter goes beyond the obvious signs of fear to expose many of the ways it can be displayed…in their anger, their need for control, and much more. Narcissists are stuck in their dysfunctions because they refuse to be honest about what drives them.