Narcissists will always be triggered when you tell them the truth, because they are so heavily invested in every one of their lies. (Paraphrased from BarbedWire.Narcissism)
Our ex narc-elder is in well into a cover-up of his conspiracy to commit adultery with another woman in his local fellowship (he is married and so was she). I confronted this ex narc-elder on April 28th, 2018 about this affair with another witness present (M.P.) and he denied it and outright LIED when I asked him twice. [2023 Update: It turns-out he had been grooming this woman for years for his man-child – bride delusional fantasy. He broke up her marriage and destroyed her relationship with her children]
It’s Uber hypocrisy to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to others while having an adulterous affair with someone in your congregation. We’ve seen this type of behavior and cover-up take down many ministries. However this case is far more dangerous because the narc-elder is a malignant narcissistic psychopath, and in my opinion, will not hesitate to hurt others (spiritually, emotionally or possibly even physically) to protect his false image of himself and maintain his COVER-UP. Some have said that he reminds them of a cult leader like Jim Jones, who deceived and manipulated many of his congregation to commit mass suicide. Would our ex narc-elder do whatever it took to keep people from finding out the truth of this conspiracy of his affair? Most definitely. Hence, why we are so adamant about exposing this type of abuse in the churches.
It’s one thing when the narc-elder is trying to hide his real self behind a mask, it’s an entirely different level of cover-up and smear when the narc-elder is caught and confronted about his sin and/or crime. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing so it is only logical that there be sheep-dogs to defend the sheep, right?
Always stay ahead of the narc with concrete evidence and stick to the TRUTH at all times. TRUTH is the Holy Water that triggers these narcs into a derangement syndrome far beyond anything you have seen publicly. Their evil, wicked faces emerge as they try to kill the messenger(s) who dare confront them and hold them accountable.
Always stand on the TRUTH – it is the high ground on the battle field.
Learn how NOT to be Gaslighted by Narcs – it’s one of their major tools of emotional and mental manipulation. Click >>> HERE <<< for the video link.