An interesting article about the unspoken crisis growing as a by-product of Internet-based ‘ministries.’
“Spiritual abuse is not a widely discussed topic. It occurs when a leader manipulates people to achieve selfish goals.”
“Signs of an abusive system are: power-posturing; distorted loyalty; people are being used; unhealthy centrality of the pastor; an elitist attitude; inability to discuss concerns; and people being labeled as divisive for raising valid issues.”
Signs of spiritual abuse…
“Labeling People as Divisive. People who do raise valid concerns are labeled “divisive.” The church has a practice of “shunning” or putting people “under discipline.” This shunning and/or discipline is not out of love for the goal of restoration; rather it is a means of protecting the interests of the church and/or controlling people.[73]“
Click HERE for the full article.