Scapegoat Supply: Why Narcissists Obsessively Depend on Scapegoats to Maintain Their Image

Ever felt unfairly blamed? Perhaps you worked tirelessly in a team or business, giving your all to be an asset, only to find yourself continuously blamed and criticized, even for things beyond your control. You may have encountered similar dynamics in your family, where one member always seemed to put you down and find fault, while others received special treatment. If you’ve experienced this, you might have unknowingly become a scapegoat.

In this week’s blog, we’ll delve into the concept of scapegoating and explore the multifaceted reasons why narcissists resort to making someone their scapegoat in order to thrive and survive.

What is a scapegoat exactly? A scapegoat is a person, group, or entity that is unfairly blamed, criticized, or punished for the mistakes, wrongdoings, or problems of others. The scapegoat absorbs the blame and the negative consequences while it isn’t their fault.

Lots of people blame-shift from time to time, and some do it habitually. Narcissists, however, are particularly prone to scapegoating. They are obsessed with their superior self-image, with maintaining the upper hand in their relationships, and with being in control in their families, at work, and amongst friends.

Click here for the Shaneen’s Blog posting.