Narcissists: Masters of Betrayal

All sorts of ingredients are necessary for relationships to be rewarding and successful, but none is more crucial than trust. Healthy relationships require teamwork, good conflict resolution skills, understanding, humor, intentionality, encouragement, shared values, reliability, respect, availability, and patience. But without trust, none of those qualities can be sustained. Trust is the rock bottom foundation for relational success…in family systems, at work, in social circles, within political structures, and inside organizations.

Now, let’s consider the question: Do narcissists put a high premium upon building trust within their various relationships? Certainly, they desire loyalty, conformity, pleasure, measurable gain, goal attainment, and gratification. But trust is not among the qualities they engender. They may say they wish for trust to be found, but their definition of trust is quite self-serving.

Check out the following >>> video <<< for Dr. Carter’s presentation on this subject.