Narc-elders are CULT Leaders

Our ex narc-elder is one of the most dangerous cult leaders on the Internet today, why? Because he uses his Web site to put out rat poison. Now, rat poison is 99% real food, but it is the 1% that kills the rat. This is the ‘leaven’ that is sprinkled throughout his teachings, videos, audios and books. He gives everything away free so it must be okay, right? Therein lies the trap. From afar you cannot see what goes on in the local fellowship of this so-called ministry, so you will be shielded from red flags that would tell you to run as fast as you can away from this man and his wares. Once you are hooked and believe you are hearing from God to move to the local fellowship, you will leave family, jobs, lands, etc., to be part of this wonderful land of Oz – but it is a trap. A trap that will keep you under indirect legalism and control through the narc-elder’s fear-porn and cognitive dissonance.

There is so much more to write and we are creating a series about cult dynamics and how cult leaders twist scriptures to control their brainwashed followers. These cult leaders are malignant narcissists in the worse sense. Stand up against these bullies!