Below is a great article by Dr. Darrell Puls. This is an epidemic. The abuse and damage from these wolves-in-sheep’s clothing is incalculable. See below for the link to the full article. A M A Z I N G conclusions based on DATA.
‘It is impossible to describe the emotional and spiritual devastation caused by narcissistic rage laser-focused on destroying you. It happened to me as an Associate Pastor under a Senior Pastor I would later learn fit the diagnosis of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (Covert). After 20 minutes of having my every foible and weakness machine-gunned at me and leaving me in a state of unresponsive shock, he wanted a hug before he walked out of my office! Shortly after I was cut off from every ministry I loved and found myself persona non-grata with the other pastors. I resigned in utter despair’
Click HERE for the full article. And please lift up the victims who are trapped in these toxic churches and cults.