I maintain that verbal abuse is horrendous enough; the article linked below presents 7 consequences of verbal abuse. I say that abuse that is spiritual in nature (and in a cult environment) multiplies these consequences signinficantly. I speak from experience, not theory. The abuse I experienced by my ex narc-‘elder’ contributed to my hell-on-earth for the past 3+ years. People who experience what I endured typically are diagnosed with Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD).
My ex narc-‘elder’ also enjoyed the emotional pain/torture he caused me, receiving a dopamine high from his abuse. When he would abuse others like this he would sometimes order pizza in some kind of twisted celebration/high.
So called ‘elders’ who employ this kind of abuse MUST be exposed and brought to accountability – they are destroying God’s people, their relationships with others and their relationship with God. It cannot be overstated how serious are spiritual and emotional abuse by these narcissistic sociopath elders. WE MUST STAND UP TO THESE WOLVES-IN-SHEEP’S CLOTHING.
Click HERE for an article detailing 7 consequences of verbal abuse. NOTE: when reading this article, keep in mind how adding the spiritual component to this abuse causes even greater damage. It’s very important to understand these points so you can help those coming out of spiritually abusive relationships and cults.