Why Are Narcissists So Argumentative?

Our ex narc-elder picked his arguments carefully, especially when other ‘witnesses’ were present. Narcs are deliberate and cunning in their setups/frame-ups of others and they are always protecting their image. They often bring their alternate reality into the argument- in some cases outright lies. They have no sense of mutual regard or empathy. It’s all about how YOU are wrong, defective, etc. Our ex narc-elder (and all narcs) are emotional weaklings. Check out the following video from Dr. Carter.

Click on this link if the video doesn’t show in the email you received.

Falling For A Narcissist’s Charm And Wit

Our ex narc-elder is a slick snake, a wolf-in-sheep’s clothing, a pied piper,… a con-man. He uses scripture deceptively to achieve his objectives in manipulating his victims. Narcissists need control and supply- it’s always about their image, and protecting it.

They are E V I L in their manipulation, and according to the Bible this is as the SIN of WITCHCRAFT.

Narcissists want to be admired, they want to be in the privileged position, such as an elder, pastor, etc. And one of their techniques to achieve that goal is to be charming and witty. But as Dr. Les Carter explains, they can keep up the facade for only so long, and once the mask comes off, the relationship changes drastically.

Make sure to click on the title-link to view the video.

Inside The Mind Of Authoritarian Narcissists

By definition, narcissists want to be in control over you. Our ex narc-elder/pastor derived narcissistic energy (supply) from running his cult in an authoritarian fashion. He was (and is) accountable to nobody,… not even God. As a former military officer, I understand well the concept of ‘chain-of-command,’ … I once asked our narc-elder on a conference call who he was accountable to if we had issues with his behavior- he was speechless for a few seconds and then tried to explain away my inquiry. Subsequently, ALL of his elders resigned as a result trying to hold him accountable to his sinful actions. To this day, he says all of his elders were factious and this is why they left/resigned- a clear sign of delusion and projection.

As Dr. Les Carter explains, when narcissists embrace an authoritarian mindset, they will appeal to your sense of duty and obligation at the expense of your personal freedoms. They certainly do not like when you prioritize otherwise, yet for you to be healthy, you will need to refrain from buckling under their pressure.

Rage of a Narcissist

Our ex narc-pastor kept an even temperance when around others; rarely would his mask slip down and expose his true evil nature. Narcs are good at presenting themselves as perfect: no problems, blessed by God, balanced, mentally healthy, etc. However, this is just a facade. Behind this mask are problems, … usually big problems. You can sometimes get a peek into what they are struggling with by their consistent projection onto others. Narcissists project onto others what they themselves are thinking and/or doing- it’s like the law of gravity. If you understand and see this projection, you can get some insight into the narc.

Sometimes, you WILL see a narcissist’s rage and it is not pretty. They spend most of their time protecting their IMAGE, so they will lie, exaggerate, embellish, etc., to others as a means of CONTROL and MANIPULATION. Check out the following video from Dr. Carter as he explains what lies beneath a narcissist’s RAGE.

5 Signs Of A Narcissist’s Toxic Impact Upon You

Folks, pay attention to the content in this video… our ex narc-elder created a toxic environment that continues to affect others to this very day. Most likely you will need to be detoxed, deprogrammed, debriefed if you have been under a religious narcissistic pastor/elder/teacher/etc. There is hope to recovery and healing, it takes time, self-study and prayer.