The cult I finally escaped from has a heretical doctrine called the ‘faction protocol.’ It’s similar to #6 listed in the article below.  We all know there are always TWO sides to a story; it’s been the bedrock of our legal system for years and is the New Testament standard.  Yet, Narcissistic ‘elders’ (narc-elders) use techniques like faction protocol to control information and control people through fear and intimidation.  #6 is included from the article.  Click the link below for the full article.

6. Creating an environment of fear in leaving. Any deserters are punished by shunning, and are vilified and marginalized by ridicule before and/or after they leave. This creates a profoundly deep subconscious fear in the existing members to never leave, so this won’t happen to them.

Click HERE for the link to the full article.

10 Ways to Spot Spiritual Abuse

EVERY single one of the 10 indicators listed in this article was exhibited in the cult I finally escaped.   Remember, that even Satan himself fashions himself as an angel of light.

Click HERE for the link to the article.

“It is very hard to get a straight story from a cult leader because they lie a lot…” :o)

Yes, they LIE a lot.  Matter-of-fact, this is their native language.  Often, narc-elders will tell the most outrageous of lies when they frame-up a victim with their smear campaign.  They have to redirect attention away from them and to their victim, because the narc-elder doesn’t want the congregation or fellowship to look closer at their activities.

An interesting article about cult leaders and what makes people like David Koresh so successful at getting people to follow them.

Click HERE to go to the article.

The Agony of Spiritual Abuse By Religious Narcissists

Everyone reacts differently from spiritual abuse; if the narc-elder remains in power, he will continue to do his damage to innocent victims; and in some cases harm them not only spiritually but physically (remember Jim Jones?).  It’s best to expose these wolves-in-sheeps-clothing as they are destroying people and their relationships with others, and most importantly, they are destroying their relationship with God.  Check out the interesting article below…
