Have you been associated with a ‘Doomsday Cult?’ The following Wikipedia article reveals many tactics of our former abusive ‘elder’ and his enablers. Question to ponder: why does the spiritually abusive ‘leader’ always move the goal-posts after a prediction doesn’t come to pass?
Surviving Faith Assembly: A Former Cult Member’s Story
Worth a Watch! So many parallels between this cult and the former cult we escaped, more analysis to come.
What Is Spiritual Abuse? & Open Discussion
A great open discussion with Ralph, a great Brother that is exposing Spiritual Abuse.
Defining Spiritual Abuse
Here’s a link and some excerpts from another blog that I feel has a pretty good gauge on what Spiritual Abuse is..
The Vulture spirit’s ‘Faction Protocol’
The narc-‘elder’ of the spiritually abusive church we came out of created a doctrine over the years that forbids current members from talking (or greeting) to others who left the group, for any reason.
This false doctrine asserts that IF you even greet people who have left, let alone talk to them, you will get so-called ‘faction demons’ or more laughably ‘faction fleas.’ These ‘faction demons’ will cause you to become just like those who left. The labels used by the narc-‘elder’ typically are, but not limited to: slanderer, stupid (as in they have the stupid demon), reprobate, lost, fornicator, liar, thief, *hacker*, usurper, Judas, traitor, deceiver, guilty of the blood of the Saints, accuser of the brethren, Satan!, backstabber, etc.
This Protocol or False Doctrine falls flat on its face as the Bible and our very court system predicates that there are ALWAYS TWO SIDES to any story, situation, issue, etc. This is an intrinsic TRUTH that we all know. But, the narc-‘elder’ does not want even a chance that his mind-controlled members will find out a truth that may set them free and expose his control and manipulation through lying and misinformation. So, he puts fear in them. They never hear the other side of the story why someone left or their explanation/defense. This also creates an environment to spy and tattle on each other – a mixture of fear, uneasiness, and bondage like no other. Below is an excellent quote from a cult deprogrammer – it nails the false ‘Faction Protocol’ that our former narc-‘elder’ still uses as of today to control and abuse his victims.
Deprogrammer Mary Alice Chrnalogar notes that mind control does not require extreme measures. She asserts: “All that’s needed is an environment where the information can be controlled, and more importantly, the way people perceive that information.” Mary Alice Chrnalogar, Twisted Scriptures 189 (1997).