From our abusive experience, spiritual narcissists ARE evil. Their very actions often contradict the teachings of the Bible/Jesus, such as: love your enemy, do good to them that despitefully use you, and forgive one another as I have forgiven you.
Spiritual Narcs (S-Narc) have an agenda and work very hard to maintain their facade to keep their charade going. It might look good, but if you spend any time in the local fellowship you sense something is off, something smells bad. The Narc-Elder typically has tools to keep people under his control such as the threat of shunning (‘faction protocol’) or fear and intimidation of missing God’s approval/blessings or actual physical curses or catostrophic events such as earthquakes, Planet X hitting the earth and other such silliness. It would almost be funny if it wasn’t so seriously abusive to the victims. This kind of fear, intimidation and control impedes victims of their relationship with God through the Holy Spirit. The S-Narc places himself (or herself, i.e., a ‘Prophetess’) in place of the Holy Spirit though words of revelations and DREAMS.
WARNING!!! When dreams are emphasized more than your personal relationship with Christ through the Holy Spirit, … RUN! Start working on an escape strategy/plan. We have a whole section dedicated on HOW TO ESCAPE. You have to plan, else you risk things getting really bad with others in your abusive group. Remember, people will react different ways to you leaving, so it’s best that NOBODY knows your plans until you are already escaping. Again, see our Process Point section on Escape.
To get another angle on this subject, check out this article Kaleah LaRoche on evil narcissists. Click HERE for the link to the full article.