Blind Obedience and Spiritual Abuse

A quote from the article linked below…

“Most of the time abusive people will change when lovingly confronted with the effects of their abuse.”

This did NOT work with our ex narc-elder.  He was confronted by several people, in love, for correction and he not only refused to repent, but created a new doctrine which justified his willful sin.  As a result, his remaining 4 elders and others from the congregation resigned in protest of his arrogance and continued spiritual and emotional abuse.  Since then (2011) he has tried to sweep this fact under the rug as new scandals are emerging.  It’s sad, but this narc-elder resorts to calculated smear and defamation campaigns against anyone who confronts him and leaves.  Lies, frame-ups are conjured up and local members are gas-lighted to believe the narc-elder’s lies to keep them from receiving witnesses of truth.  People are being destroyed by this narc-elder and the effects his spiritual abuse remain long after someone leaves.

2 Thessalonians talks about those who do not have a love of the truth WILL be sent a strong delusion that they would believe a lie.  Dangerous words but true (no pun intended).  Paul also warned about how shortly after his departure, ravenous wolves would enter into the church not sparing the flock.  We talk about these wolves-in-sheep’s clothing, but what do they look like?  As you know, this site focuses on spiritual abuse in the context of narcissism, sociopathy and other analysis.  The scriptures should always be our final authority on doctrine, correction, etc., as outline in the book of Timothy.

So, … if Paul warned about this problem then, it’s probably a lot worse now, right?  With the advent of the Internet almost anyone can host a site, a YouTube channel, a Facebook page and subtly deceive many.  The so-called ministry we came out of is like this; it appeared to give much good info about Jesus (for FREE!), holiness and righteousness, but it’s so-called leadership and it’s handling of people trying to hold the elder accountable is deeply flawed, revealing and dangerous.

Always look for the perfect sheep ‘elder’ and most often you will find the wolf.

Here is an article presents some interesting points to consider.  Click HERE for the article.