10 Lies That Become A Narcissist’s Alternate Reality

The narcissistic pattern is built upon illogic, but instead of confronting their lack of reasoning, narcissists concoct numerous falsehoods to prop up their self serving agenda. Our ex narc-elder has gotten much worse in his delusional alternate reality to the point he is putting ex members in physical danger by painting targets on their backs via outrageous unproven allegations. [More on this to come]

Dr. Les Carter identifies ten of the most common lies that narcissists actually embrace as truth. Click >>> HERE <<< play the video.

How Narcissists Sucker You Into Their “Feed Me” Game

Narcissists may entice you into believing that they are a friend or ally, when in fact, they are actually seeking narcissistic supply.

Our ex Narc-elder is a master at enticing you to believe he is your Biblical friend or ally, but as soon as you question him (or his self-appointed authority) his mask comes off and he is the most vicious and un-Christian person you would ever encounter. He uses his un-Biblical ‘faction’ protocol to intimidate, control and abuse members of his local and extended congregation. He is a spiritually abusive charlatan– and, he is under judgement and a strong delusion.

Dr. Les Carter describes how desperately they want you to admire them, and he describes a game they play that could be called Feed Me, Starve You. Once you recognize it, you can be poised to step aside from the manipulations that are inevitable.

>>> Video Link <<<